Louisiana Animal Control Association Newsblog

Welcome to the blog for LACA! This blog supplements our "hard copy" membership newsletter. Membership is open to anyone interested in animal control, animal sheltering, and other humane services. LACA was formed to promote professionalism and higher humane standards in the Animal Control professions, and to provide continuing education and certification academies for humane law enforcement and animal shelter personnel. Please visit our website: www.lacainfo.org

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hunkering Down

When Hurricane Dennis' destination was uncertain, the LA/SPCA rolled up their sleeves to evacuate animals from the New Orleans shelter in case the storm turned toward the Big Easy. Animals were evacuated to cooperating shelters in Jackson, Houston, Lake Charles and Baton Rouge. Here at the East Baton Rouge Parish Animal Control Center, we took in 29 animals from LA/SPCA, and provided a safe harbor for the LA/SPCA's Dorothy Dorsett Brown Mobile Center. This clinic-on-wheels serves the Greater New Orleans area and makes regular forays into other parts of the state to provide low-cost and no-cost spay and neuter services to the public.

One of the many benefits of LACA membership is having ready access to a vast network of shelters in our region who can assist one another in times of crisis and disaster. Thankfully, the evacuation of the New Orleans shelter was just a "fire drill" this time around. Hurricane Dennis chose to focus on the Florida Panhandle instead.

Please join me in taking off my hat to the staff of LA/SPCA, who are always ready, willing and able to perform the exhausting work necessary to get animals out of harm's way -- whether it's their own animals or those in the care of another shelter. LACA President David Marcantel can testify to their outstanding assistance when the Lake Charles shelter was threatened by Hurricane Lili a few years back.

Hurricane season is off to an early and deadly start this year. We all need to cooperate any time we need to "hunker down" in the face of a hurricane. Time to review our hurricane plans for our own individual shelters, and know what to do if a storm threatens. Remember, LACA is a team, always ready and willing to assist one another in times of need.

See you at LACA Certification Academy August 1-7 and at the SPCA animal cruelty and bloodsports workshop at the State Police Academy in Baton Rouge on August 3rd.

--Dez Crawford


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